
Restorative Dentistry In Lagos

Revitalize Your Oral Health with Luxe Dental

Restorative dentistry encompasses a range of dental treatments aimed at repairing or replacing damaged tooth surfaces. These procedures include addressing cavities, fractures, and root canal-treated teeth. The primary objective of restorative dentistry is to enhance oral health, restore proper chewing function, and improve the overall appearance of the teeth.

Efforts are made to ensure that dental fillings blend seamlessly with the natural tooth, maintaining a natural appearance. Whether it’s addressing minimal tooth fractures, decay, or damaged surfaces, restorative materials such as composite or ceramic are commonly utilized for this purpose.

Restorative Dentistry In Lagos

Restore Your Smile with Luxe Dental's Restorative Treatments

Restore your smile with Luxe Dental’s holistic restorative dentistry solutions. Our seasoned team is committed to rejuvenating your oral health and illuminating your grin. Luxe Dental’s comprehensive restorative dentistry solutions encompass.

Dental Crowns and Bridges  

Luxe Dental Clinic offers custom-made crowns to fortify and beautify weakened or misshapen teeth, ensuring a seamlessly natural smile. Our cutting-edge bridge work expertly replaces missing teeth, not only restoring your smile but also enhancing oral function. Experience the pinnacle of dental care with our personalized solutions, where aesthetic refinement meets functional restoration.

Dental Cavity Filling

Tooth decay, commonly known as cavities, ranks among the most prevalent oral ailments affecting both adults and children. Despite not always displaying obvious symptoms, decay represents a bacterial infection capable of spreading to neighboring teeth or triggering abscesses. Early interception is vital: by promptly addressing decay, removing affected areas, and filling resultant gaps, you safeguard your oral health. 

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

When bacteria burrow into the enamel (the hard outer layer) of your tooth and create a hole (known as a cavity) it needs to be filled to protect the soft pulp inside. At Luxe Dental, in a cavity filling procedure, we will remove the damaged part of the tooth and fill the hole with a material that is the same color as your tooth. This filling will prevent the bacteria from continuing to infect the tooth. Our gentle and efficient root canal treatments eliminate infections and save damaged teeth, relieving pain and discomfort.

Dental Implants

Luxe Dental’s implants offer a permanent, seamlessly natural solution for missing teeth, rejuvenating both aesthetics and functionality. Our implant procedure at Luxe Dental entails precisely positioning a titanium post into the jawbone, creating a resilient base for a lifelike artificial tooth. This pioneering method not only restores missing teeth but also safeguards against jawbone deterioration. With our specialized care and individualized approach, you can confidently reclaim the comfort and assurance of a fully restored smile.

Gum Disease Treatment (Periodontics)

Periodontal disease presents as a frequent dental concern, often marked by symptoms like inflamed or bleeding gums during oral care routines. Left untreated, this condition can escalate, causing more significant complications. At Luxe Dental, we provide a range of treatment options to restore both teeth and gums to optimal health. Our comprehensive approach to addressing gum disease aims to rejuvenate your oral health and mitigate the risk of further complications.

Why Choose Us

Latest Technologies
6,397+ Happy Patients
7+ Renowned Dentists
Customized Treatment Plans
Dental Implants In Lagos
Transparent Cost
Convenient Location
68+ Implants Placed
Highest Success rate more than 98%

The Benefits of Restorative Dentistry at Luxe Dental

Restorative Dentistry In Lagos

Improved Oral Health

Our restorative treatments address underlying issues, helping to prevent future problems and maintain a healthy, functional smile.

Restorative Dentistry In Lagos

Enhanced Aesthetics

We use high-quality materials and techniques to restore the natural appearance of your teeth, giving you a beautiful, confident smile.

Restorative Dentistry In Lagos

Increased Confidence

Feeling good about your smile can have a positive impact on your overall self-confidence and quality of life.

Restorative Dentistry In Lagos

Long-Lasting Results

Our restorative work is designed to be durable and long-lasting, providing you with lasting oral health and function.

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Book An Appointment

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is vital for your long-term health. Regular visits to your dentist and hygienist can keep your teeth and gums in excellent condition and help prevent problems developing. This preventive approach to dental care means that any issues can be identified early, enabling prompt treatment. Call Luxe Dental Clinic today to book your appointment.

Our Dental Specialists

Our team of skilled dentists specializes in a variety of dentistry fields and comes armed with years of dental experience.

Dr. Funmi Adeniyi

MD/ Founder

Dr. Funmi Adeniyi

MD/ Founder
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Dr. Mayowa Ajebeku

General Dentist

Dr. Mayowa Ajebeku

General Dentist

Dr. Tobi Adegoke

General Dentist

Dr. Tobi Adegoke

General Dentist

Our Clinic Location

Mondays - Fridays | 9am - 5pm
Saturdays - 10am - 3pm
Sundays - Closed

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